Our Tiny Bureaucratic Lives

our tiny bureaucratic lives
addicts and scholars
devout readers, philosophers
political leaders and
stoned undergraduates
processing meaninglessness
making it their business
going deep in cabinets
just to understand it
lovers and soldiers
bankers and lawyers
homeless, slumlords
non-profit financial officers
shooting smack drinking vodka
talking early morning hours
to pin the tail on the business
so you don’t have to
how we wish we could just go about it
without the fuss of it
to keep things all automatic
like driving back home
that god would show his hand
and we could all be done with it
and the painters and sculptors
institutionalized mothers
zen masters and muggers
could just take a break from it
processing the meaninglessness
factoring the meaninglessness
it keeps a planet spinning
just by us guessing


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